MacPherson Brides

Colorado MacPhersons

The Rose and The Thorn.

She didn’t trust any man. He didn’t trust himself.

The death of Sarah Greer’s husband granted her two things—freedom from his abuse and his large estate. In hopes of freeing her younger brother from their controlling grandfather, the pair travels to the new mining town of Central City, only Sarah finds herself caught up in scheme that forces her to marry again.

The last thing widower Mac MacPherson wants is a marriage of convenience. Haunted by the past, the only reason he left his family’s Colorado ranch is to hunt down the last man to see his wife alive. But when he finds himself hitched to Sarah, he can’t ignore the woman who gets under his skin—or the sparks that fly when they’re together.

Can Sarah and Mac put the past behind them and find a future together?

The Scar and The Star

Her scar was a sign of survival. His badge was his means to take vengeance.

Five years ago, a brutal attack left Esther O’Brien an orphan and a mother. To support her son, she is willing to do anything—almost. The degrading arrangement her uncle tries to force upon her leads to a new position, only with this one, there’s a man living across the hall—a disturbing man she must deal with every day, a man with a star on his chest.

Deputy US Marshal Colin MacPherson arrives in Central City seeking justice for the death of his wife and son. But the courage and the love of the young mother heals the scars of his heart as she and her son fill the emptiness in his soul.

When he discovers the true identity of Esther’s son, can Colin’s love overcome his need for vengeance?

The Hawk and The Eagle

They were bound by love. And separated by honor.

Nia MacPherson has loved Adam Hollister since she was fifteen years old. Adam wanted to do the honorable thing and wait for her to grow up before they married. Months before their special day, he is called to Chicago.

Through a series of misfortunes, Nia marries Adam’s partner, whom she believes is mortally injured, to save the children she loves as her own. Only he doesn’t die. When Adam returns to find the woman he loves married to his crippled partner, he is heartbroken at her perceived betrayal. He also doesn’t recognize the man his partner has become—the bitter shell of who he used to be.

When mishaps on the ranch turn into more than coincidences, Adam must fight for Nia. Even if he can never have her.

Kansas MacPhersons

The Heart Hears

She needs protection from the man hunting her.
He needs to banish his distrust of women.

War widow Salina Meier Moffett Dunham doesn’t trust men. Shamefully treated by her father and husband, she is on the run with her children to escape a forced marriage or worse—death. In Ainsley, Kansas, she shortens her name to Lena Meier to hide from the man pursuing her. She finds a position as a clerk in the mercantile with the grouchy storekeeper. But there is something within that grumpy man that her heart hears and draws her. She isn’t sure what that thing is until she discovers a book in the storeroom of the mercantile.

Returning from the war, Angus MacPherson takes back the running of his mercantile and keeps his distance from the young women in Ainsley. After a run-in with Lena Meier—literally, his buggy ran into her cart, leaving him injured, he agrees to let her work in his store. After all, his MacPherson family creed is to help and protect all widows and orphans. But this woman, this stranger in town, irritates and interests him as no woman has since Amelia, the woman who betrayed him to marry his rich cousin. Matters get worse when his former fiancé, who is now a wealthy widow, returns to Ainsley and wants Angus as her new husband.

Can love weave its way through the heart by things unspoken?

The Heart Sees

She lost her father, her home, her trust.
He lost his hopes, his joy, his peace.

After her father dies in the war, Audrey Grant loses everything, including her fiancé. Penniless, she leaves her home town and becomes a school teacher in Ainsley, Kansas, to support herself and her mother. Once the fighting ends and soldiers come home, she finds the newly-returned smithy to be a remarkable man, but she doubts he would be interested in an over-weight, near-sighted schoolmarm.

Livery stable owner and smithy, Fergus MacPherson values family above everything but God. He craves a wife and children, but a deeply hidden secret since childhood and his actions during the war have ripped that dream away. Although he draws comfort from tending his beloved flower garden in the evenings, the men he killed and the families he destroyed during the war haunt his sleep at night.

Can these two hearts see a way to heal each other before three men searching for Audrey arrive in town?

The Heart Remembers

She cherished their love until he abandoned her.
He built a home for her only to learn she had betrayed him.

Five years before at sixteen and dirt poor, Ella Cooper gave her heart to the neighbor’s son. When her pa took the family to another state, the young man who held her heart promised to come for her. Only he never did—no matter how many letters she sent begging him to rescue her from the shameful life her pa was putting her family through. She is forced to return to Ainsley, Kansas where the man she loved is now the wealthiest man in town.

When he was seventeen and with his father’s blessings, Art MacPherson built a home for the woman he loved, but she never wrote to tell him where her pa had taken her. At twenty-one, he took over the running of the large family farm for his dying father. Only after Ella comes back to Ainsley, does Art learn what his mother did years before to destroy his future with Ella.Will Art ever be able to convince Ella that he didn’t abandon her? Will the love they shared years before survive the doubts, anger, and distrust his mother caused?

Though years may pass, can two hearts remember a love that bound them together?

The Heart Forgets

She refuses to lose another husband to violence.
He’s not sure he can protect those he loves.

After Lucy Townsend lost her beloved husband in the war, she and her children moved to Ainsley where she now owns a cluster house and rents out apartments to war widows and their children. For over a year, Lucy has been friends with Kerr MacPherson. Even though she has deepening feelings for him, she refuses to let it go any farther since he is the sheriff, and that can be a dangerous job. But then a letter comes that threatens her whole world.

When he learned his father was dying, Kerr MacPherson came home to Kansas from Colorado. Being the oldest of the children, he always felt responsible for protecting those around him, so he became the sheriff. Although Kerr plans to homestead in Colorado one day soon, the outlaws who are attacking the MacPhersons and his mother’s disappearance keep him from leaving. As for Lucy, well, he’s not sure he can protect her any more than he could the two he left buried in Colorado.

As the heart forgets the pain and loss of yesterday, can it make room for the love of today?

Wyoming MacPhersons

The Medicine Box


Katy Sullivan must protect her younger sisters at all cost. They’ve escaped the brutal hand of their step-uncle and took his greatest treasure. Fearing death if found, they travel west in a wagon train but are abandoned along with a sick preacher and his sisters. Rescue comes in the form of two buckskin-clad, tobacco-spitting brothers and their harsh, scar-faced companion. Their offer—come to their valley for the winter—could be very good or very, very bad.

Scarred within and without, Jacob Matthews sealed off his heart. He’s respected by the army, honored by the Indians, and known as Takota—friend to all. He fights his feelings for the feisty red-headed woman who came to his valley. Death took every woman he’s loved. Death won three times. Jacob can’t let it win a fourth.

The Sampler


Allie Sullivan lost her baby. In her grief, she doesn’t have enough strength left to defy the self-appointed matron of the valley and marries her best friend Sam. Everyone says she married him. Only she has no memory of her wedding. She moves into his cabin, but not his bed. Why can’t he understand? How can she be his wife if she can’t remember pledging herself to him?

Sam Harris doesn’t understand women, never has, never will. He’s loved Allie for years and plans to court her. In the early winter, hope fills him as they grow closer, but sickness, death, and an interfering biddy change everything. When they are forced to marry, he promises he’ll give Allie time and a room of her own until she’s ready. But how much time does a bride need to become a wife? What happens when love isn’t enough?

The Prisoner


Molly Harris can’t forget her foolish, youthful indiscretion. She was seduced by one man then forced to marry his brother. Now, she’s a widow and homeless, raising her children as a poor relation in another man’s cabin. How she dreams of a new life, a place where she can live free from her past.

Tristan Sullivan carries the stench of prison. He tracks down his sisters in an isolated Wyoming mountain valley. Once there, he finds he’s welcomed but not needed. He debates leaving to draw away the man hunting him—the one whose lies put him in prison. But the blue eyes of a widow make him reconsider, so he can give her the one thing she needs. Is there a way to break the shackles of the past?